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Predictable Results Marketing Internship

About PRM

Predictable Results Marketing is a marketing firm based out of the Cleveland area. They are a marketing agency that works with other companies to curate and create content to help them succeed in digital marketing. They help create new platforms or help invigorate already established profiles. They operate on a subscription-based teaching style. Where the CEO will teach seminars on how to succeed in growing your business. 

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My Process

My process regarding creating content is to find some inspiration either through Pinterest or scrolling through Instagram. This way I can also study the kind of designs that work well there and can implement those designs into my work in my own style. In my process, I have used Canva, Photoshop, Indesign, Premiere, and Discript. 

My Responsibilities

My responsibility for this project was creating original content for their feed. I helped content batch for the new campaign and inspirational posts for small business owners.  PRM provided me with the photos and the brand standards they had chosen. I stuck to the brand guidelines and used the same colors. I stayed true to the brand guidelines by utilizing the brand packet in Canva and using the CMYK in other platforms. 

My Results

My results regarding this project are preserved to drive in leads. This content is meant to inspire small business owners to help with their digital marketing results. The target audience from these posts are entrepreneurs looking to build their social profiles and bring in leads of their own. If I had access to more of the data I would use Google Analytics to determine the bounce rate. I would also use the analytics feature on Instagram to track the scroll-through rate vs the likes on the posts. Trying to figure out what kind of content is working the best on different types of social media. 

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